Friday, September 16, 2011

Animated Video Wallpaper for JB iphone

vwallpaper 001

It’s no longer only Android phone enjoys the animated wallpaper & lockscreen on their phone! Now you can have one, if you have a jailbroken iphone.

  1. Start your Cydia, and go to “Manage”.
  2. Then select “Source” and add the following source :

    vwallpaper 002

  3. Upon completion of the source update, search for “vWallpaper2 for iOS4” and install it.

    vwallpaper 003

  4. Then,  your iphone will be respring by itself and vWallpaper is ready to use on your desktop.

Additional video wallpaper source :

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The iPhone evolution

Are you an iPhone fan/supporter?


Source : The iPhone Evolution