Monday, September 8, 2008

How to prevent MSN Messenger SPAM

Recently got lots of MSN messenger spamming...really irritating, sigh~ Look at the photos below for some example :



If you are using Windows Messenger :

  1. Click 'Start' and then 'Control Panel' .
  2. Click 'Administrative Tools'.
  3. Click 'Services'
  4. Locate 'Messenger', right-click select on your mouse and select 'Properties'
  5. Under 'General' tab / 'Startup Type' select 'disabled' from the drop down menu
  6. Click The 'Stop' button
  7. Click 'OK' to save

If you are using MSN Messenger :

  1. Click ‘MSN Messenger Service’..
  2. Click ‘Tools’, and select ‘Options’.
  3. In ‘Options’ dialog box, click ‘Privacy’ and select ‘Alert me when other users add me to their contact lists’.
  4. When someone tries to add you to their buddy list, a dialog box will ask if you want to allow him or her to contact you. If this request is from a stranger or someone you don't want to hear from, check 'Block this person from seeing when you are online and contacting you.'

If you still encounter the same problem after performing the steps above, try the steps below :

  1. Click ‘Messenger Service’.
  2. Click ‘Tools’, and select ‘Options’
  3. In the ‘Options’ dialog box, click ‘Privacy’, and select ‘All other users’ and click ‘Block’. This will prevent people who are not on your buddy list from sending you messages or adding you to their contact lists.


Note: New friends will also be prevented from adding you to their contact lists unless you add them to your list first.

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